What is a Contact Centre Dashboard?

Dashboards are visual representations of key performance metrics for organizations or individuals, designed to make it easier to spot trends, problems, and other relevant information. Users can scan dashboards to understand overall performance and identify areas that require immediate attention through visuals such as gauges, graphs, and colour coding (e.g., green, yellow, red). Data that is presented in dashboards should be a combination of historical as well as real-time data, gathered from several sources when needed.


Real-time data is central to the operations of any contact centre, as they rely heavily on dashboards. Dashboards for contact centres can normally be customized to contain KPIs specific to that centre. Customer satisfaction scores, abandon rates, the average speed of answers and the number of contacts in queue are some of the most common dashboard statistics. In contact centres, dashboards are often displayed on flat-screen TVs mounted on the walls, as they are most effective when they can be seen.


In addition to being effective at improving performance, dashboards can be used to improve agent engagement and accountability. Dashboards might include statistics like the first call resolution rate, average handling time, and the number of contacts handled that day. There may also be links to relevant articles on the dashboard or announcements from the company. Through their dashboards, agents should also be able to access team-level statistics so that they can benchmark how they’re performing. Agents may be motivated to strive for continuous improvement when dashboards are implemented in the right spirit.


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