What is ASA? (Average Speed of Answer)

Average Speed of Answer (ASA) is a vital performance metric used in the contact centre and customer service industries to assess the efficiency and responsiveness of call handling. ASA measures the average time it takes for an incoming call to be answered by a customer service agent or representative. It plays a crucial role in evaluating and improving the overall customer experience.


How ASA Works

To calculate ASA, the following steps are typically involved:

Time Tracking

The contact centre records the time when an incoming call is first received, often starting when the caller joins the queue or interacts with the automated phone system.


Call Distribution

The calls are distributed to available agents based on predefined routing rules, such as skills-based routing or first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue management.


Answered Calls

ASA measures the time it takes for a call to be answered by an agent who is ready and available to assist the caller.


Average Calculation

ASA is calculated by summing the total time callers spend waiting in the queue (from the moment of call arrival) and dividing it by the total number of answered calls.


How It Is Used in Contact Centre and Customer Service Industries

Performance Evaluation

ASA serves as a key performance indicator (KPI) for assessing how quickly customer service agents can respond to incoming calls. It helps organizations gauge their efficiency in handling call volumes.


Service Level Objectives

Many contact centres set specific service level objectives (e.g., answering 80% of calls within 20 seconds). ASA helps monitor and achieve these objectives by measuring actual response times against the targets.


Customer Satisfaction

ASA has a direct impact on customer satisfaction. Shorter waiting times (lower ASA) generally result in higher customer satisfaction, as callers are more likely to have their issues addressed promptly.


Resource Allocation

By analyzing ASA data, contact centres can make informed decisions about staffing levels, scheduling, and resource allocation to ensure that calls are answered promptly.


Call Centre Efficiency

ASA metrics can be used to identify areas for process improvement, such as optimizing call routing strategies, reducing call abandonment rates, and enhancing agent productivity.


In summary, ASA is a critical metric in the contact centre and customer service industries, reflecting the speed and efficiency of call handling. It not only contributes to improved customer satisfaction but also guides operational decisions aimed at delivering timely and responsive customer service.



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